Sunday, March 6, 2011

The fate of our Universe! And what you can do to help...

There are 3 things that can happen to our universe. We'll probably never live to see it, but it is still worth knowing.

Lets designate a few symbols here:
- The density of our universe is r

- The critical density is r0  
The critical density is the density of the universe that would lead to a flat universe. This is where the the size (or radius) of the universe increases towards one value. It would theoretically take an infinite amount of time to reach this value. (Hey Further Maths people...its like a converging series!)

- Omega is the ratio of these two values  W = r/r0
 a closed Universe has W > 1
In other words the density of our universe is greater than the critical density. Think of it like "because there is loads more mass...there will be greater gravitational attraction so the universe will collapse on itself"
 a flat Universe has W = 1 
This is the converging universe discussed above. It is 1 because we are using the critical density as a reference vaue.
 an open Universe has W < 1.
This is where the density of the universe is less than the critical density. Think of it like "because there is way less mass...the galaxies in the universe will just drift and float away because the attraction of gravity is too weak"

So if you are anxious over the fate of the universe, please visit us on the link We are a non-governmental organization dedicated to stopping the expansion of the universe by all means. Donations are welcome.

Paypal is preferred.

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